Best Ways to Raise Motivation in Workplace

It is common knowledge that increasing your motivation can increase the productivity and profits of your business. However, most people have no idea on how to go about doing it. Motivation should come naturally, as you would expect from your favorite best friends or mates. This article will show you how to rise motivation in the workplace. We will discuss three effective ways to do it.

Recognize their worth

A good way to motivate your employee is by having him/her recognize his/her worth. How can you do that? By rewarding him/her at work for a significant contribution in achieving company goals. For example, if an employee brings home a good report, you may acknowledge his effort by a reward of a dinner or a paid vacation. If an employee performs exceptionally at a key meeting, you might appreciate her efforts by giving her an improvement in pay or perk of choice.

Boost their mood

Giving your employee time off is also a great way to boost his/her mood. Sometimes, even a single day of absence can dramatically improve employee morale. It is also a good opportunity to reinforce what your staff is accomplishing. This will help them perform better and contribute more to the organization.

Give rewards

Set up a rewards and recognition program. Hand over a cash reward when your employee does a good deed at work. Or perhaps he/she gets a certificate for a job well done. This is surely a good incentive for your employee to work harder.

Ensure that you reward workers for real, tangible results. You can present your employee with certificates of appreciation for significant, tangible achievements. Do not just hand them out; be specific about what you want for each award. If your employee has succeeded in getting a promotion in the past two months, hand him/her a plaque for the effort and hard work. The best part is, the employee is publicly displaying how much he/she means to the company.

Be encouraging and motivating to employees. Try to lift their spirits after a rough day at work. This is a way to motivate them to work harder. A simple “Good job!”

Be accessible

It is also important to be accessible. Let them know that they can talk to you anytime they feel bad or need a shoulder to cry on. Give them an open or unapproachable space where they can speak their minds. That way, they will have an outlet for venting their anger and feeling of worthlessness.

With these ideas, you can surely motivate your workforce to be more productive. If you still aren’t sure how to go about it, hire an external company to do it for you. These companies specialize in workplace motivation and communication. You should be able to benefit greatly from their expertise. These are just some of the ways you can raise motivation in the workplace and motivate your employees to do their best.

A lot of businesses have incorporated these into their approach to inspire and motivate their employees. Some have even gone as far as hiring motivational speakers to teach them how to be more open with each other. The most popular motivational speaker these days is a guy named Tony Robbins.

He is known not only for his bestselling books but for being one of the world’s best motivational speakers. It is said that he has inspired millions over the years. His method is very simple: just be good to people.

If you want your staff to work harder, it is a good thing if you show them that you appreciate their efforts. This may sound too simple to be true, but it really does work. Even small gestures like a quick smile or a simple nod of your head during a meeting can make a big difference. After all, human beings respond to kindness and warmth in kind. They are programmed to do so.


If you are wondering how to motivate your employees in the first place, it might be a good idea to start by looking at yourself. What are you doing right now that you would like to be doing differently? Are there certain aspects of your job that could use some work? Can you identify any problems that you are letting prevent you from being more productive? These are just some questions you might want to consider before you get down to making big changes to your life.

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