Leader’s Advice: How Pavel Melnikov Reached the Top of His Industry

Leader's Advice: How Pavel Melnikov Reached the Top of His Industry

Do you love reading inspiring stories about success? Yes! Well, here’s one about Pavel Melnikov, the famous entrepreneur and investor from Russia.

The most interesting thing about his story is that he built an empire in the plumbing engineering industry – that’s right! Pipes, faucets, filters, water meters – you name it, Pavel Melnikov and his company VALTEC got it.

Want to find out more? Read on.

The plumbing engineering industry

The plumbing industry is on a steady rise worldwide. If we look at the numbers, we can see that the revenue of the wholesale of hardware, plumbing, and heating equipment will amount to millions and billions of dollars by 2024.

Taking a closer look at Europe, we have:

It looks like the competition in the sector has always been quite high, and these trends suggest that it will become even stronger.

VALTEC products
VALTEC products

Pavel Melnikov as the innovation leader

One thing that has made Pavel Melnikov and his company VALTEC stand out in the manufacturing and trading of the sanitary and plumbing products sector is the innovation-oriented approach. 

With more than 30% share in certain positions in the Russian market, VALTEC has become one of the most recognizable brands and trademarks in the industry.

None of this would have happened if it weren’t for the innovative mind of Pavel Melnikov who today has over 100 patents for various types of heating and plumbing equipment.

It all started with the import of Italian radiators to Russia. Melnikov quickly realized that many of the sanitary engineering products could not meet the local regulations and operating condition requirements of the Russian market because of the challenging characteristics of the heating and water supply systems in Russia. 

Together with his new partners from Italy, Pavel Melnikov developed a new brand and an entirely new line of products adjusted for the Russian market, many of which were designed and patented by Melnikov himself.

Thanks to his accumulated experience in engineering of plumbing products, Melnikov has also developed brands such as MINKOR, TENRAD, and BRIXIS which are now parts of his vast array of registered trademarks. Moreover, different kinds of heating and water supply appliances such as radiators are today produced in other countries like Italy (BRIXIS) and China (TENRAD), and other sanitary engineering products are produced in Turkey, Spain, and Germany as well. 

Pavel Melnikov - Industry leader
Pavel Melnikov – Industry leader

Pavel Melnikov’s diversification into other businesses

Every great business leader knows that a company or entrepreneur needs to diversify into additional fields to secure success.

We can see that Pavel Melnikov is definitely a follower of this business approach by looking at all the other companies he has founded. 

Next to VALTEC, MINKOR, TENRAD, and BRIXIS, there is VestaTrading, a leading retail chain in the supply of modern materials and equipment for heating and water supply systems, and ENERGORESURS, a company focused on maintenance and servicing of electric networks and heat production. 

In the Laboratory for Comprehensive Testing of Elements of Engineering Systems (LaKIELIS), all the products undergo comprehensive quality tests from raw material research to final products of engineering equipment and systems.

Additionally and not directly connected with the engineering plumbing, Melnikov leads a real estate management company Luch LLC and leases retail and office premises in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Quite impressive, wouldn’t you agree?

Final words

Pavel Melnikov’s story and rise to the top of a huge industry such as the manufacturing and trading of sanitary and plumbing products is a story of innovation and courage. His innovative brands and products have managed to meet the requirements of a very demanding market. Today, VALTEC quality is recognized across the world and there is no doubt that it will hold the leading position in the years to come.

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